Welcome to Stratos Documentation’s documentation!¶
- Inspirations.
A fast, fun to right, type safe , mixed paradigm programming language. A language that is familiar, industry proven concepts such as constructors, destructors, structs, classes, objects but also with also a mix of more recent patterns such as safety accessor (some and none) rather than null.
Hoping to provide concurrenncy language guarantees using message passing inspired by Erlang style mailbox.
- Language basic
compile to binary or genrate bytecode to run in an interpreter File extensions are .st or .sts`<br> * `.st files are for compilation (aot) * .srt files that require a runtime (jit)
however passed in compiler arguments (.conf file) overide the file extension type inference.
- Design.
This contains the disgn notes when building or making decision involving the language, standard libraries or compiler. <br>
- Tooling
- Tooling there will be a cli tool called toolman
(inspired by go in golang and cargo in rust). To get packages , test , build and run the language for more info check /stratos/tooling/toolman/README.md
- Projects directory
Projects can be located anywhere. the project has 1. app.conf file describing the project , project name, dependancies and verisons.
check HOCON(Human-Optimized Config Object Notation)
a src folder with main.st with hello world boiler plate code ie :
use System; <br> fn main (){ <br>   print(“hello world”); <br> }
To know more read the stratos/design/design.md file for the language design.
a bin for the debug executables.
dist distributable binaries.