
The syntax is closely based to kotlin and c#.But with an approach to code layout similar to golang. If you are familiar with above languages it easy to pick up Stratos syntax.


Comments could be:

  1. Multi line comment.

This encapsulate everthing between the start of the comment and thge end of the comment ie /* start of the comment and */ end of the comment.

  1. Single line comments.

Single line comment start with // upto the line

Example :

* multi line
* comment

// single line comment

Find an example project under sample/comments_and_documentation


A package is a collection of source files in the same directory that are compiled together. Functions,Classes and Variables defined in one source file are visible to all other source files within the same package.

A package should be the first declaration in a file, based on the folder name but if in src the package name is src.


The import keyword is used to import a package, class or struct.that exists in a different package. for imported package the import declaration should be the name of the dependency, the name is part of the object specied in the app.config file

Variable declaration

There are three ways to declare variables there is var, val, let.This is followed by a variable name a colon and the variable type wich is optional.

for more information view sample/variables

Data Types

The language has 8 basic data types are;

  1. Byte

    The byte data type is an 8-bit signed two’s complement integer. It has a minimum value of -128 and a maximum value of 127 (inclusive)

  2. Strings.

    A sequence of characters.

  3. Character

    A UTF-16 code units.

  4. Double

    A double-precision floating point number.Stratos doubles are 64-bit floating-point numbers as specified in the IEEE 754 standard.

  5. Integer

    is 64-bit

  6. Boolean.

    The boolean data type has only two possible values: true and false. Use this data type for simple flags that track true/false conditions

  7. Option
    1. Some

      Used to indicate that data is contained in a variable

    2. None

      Used to represent empty, nothing.”null”

  8. Any

    This is a container for an unknown data type.

There are secondary data types based on the primary types
  1. Map.

    A collection of key value objects.

  2. List.

    A collection of objects .

  3. Set

    A collection of objects in which each object can occur only once.

Note Stratos has a strong type inference as such specifying the data type is mostly optional. The follwing example are used to illustrate data type.

Example :

// variable of type string
let  name : String = "Arthur"
// or
let name ="Arthur"

for more information view sample/variables

Type decorators

  1. static

    Variables or functions to be refenced do not require an instance

  2. private

    Variables , functions or classes denoted with private keyword cannot be used outside the scope they are declared example:

    • a private class cannot be used outside the package scope if declared in main packages only classes in the main package can use the class

    • if a function is declared private only function


loops include

  1. For loop

    For loop is used to iterate an enumarable example

Example :
var countries = ["Kenya", "Uganda" , "Rwanda", "Tanzania", "Burundi" ]

for(var country in countries){
    // it is a keyword
    print($"{it.index} country {country}")
  1. loop similar to while loop

Example :
// to create an infinite list
loop {
    print( $"{it.index} will print forever")

// loop over a list
var countries = ["Kenya", "Uganda" , "Rwanda", "Tanzania", "Burundi" ]

loop countries {
     print($"{it.index} country {it.item}")
  1. while

    tradional while loop

Example :

var x =10
while (x > 0) {

Stratos supports break and continue in loops.


conditions include

  1. if takes a condition.can have multiple else if conditions

Example :

// variable of type string
let  age : int = 19

// some other operations

if(age < 10){
  print("user is child")
}else if (age > 20){
  print("user is adult")
    print("person is tennager")

2. When if condition on steroids.

Example :

// variable of type string
let  age : int = 19

// some other operations

when (age){

    1..10 ->{
    10..20 ->{
        print("teeneger" )
    else ->{


Enums are types

Example :

Enum Race {
afrian, asian,  american

var  userType : Race = Race.african


used to represent a scope of logic. function can start with decorator ie static or private which is optional. the function keyword , parameters wrapped in curved braces , colon return type Example :

private function  name () : bool  {

    return true


A class extends another class. A class implements a struct. A class with () indicates a constructor. only private decorator is allowed for classes Example :

// class with default constructor with no parameters
class  man () {


// class with custrutor and logic
class pupile{
    // cannot have both default constructor and  a constructo function
    constructor(age: int, height : double){



Define properties , functions to be implemented note -> let and val have to initialized when used, but you can leave out variable decralation and it will default to var.

Example :

enum Gender {
    male, female
struct User{
    // function is optional , anything with () is assumed to be a function
    hasparents() :bool,
    gender: Gender ,
    let isHuman =true

class Student impliments User{

    function hasparents() :bool{
        // variable from struct
        age = 23;
        // .... logic here
        return false

class PrePrimary(name: String) extends Student {
