
Project Management

In stratos there is a tool called toolman. toolman is used to create, test, run and build stratos applications.

  • toolman create app_name
    The above command creates a stratos application project.An application project involves,

    1. bin folder for the application binaries these are the binraies compiled and run in debug mode.

    2. src folder fo the application source code.

    3. app.conf file for the application configurations.

    4. src/ file with main function that prints out a line

    An additional optional parameter can be added to specify the project location if none is provided the pwd(current working directory) is used

  • toolman run The command runs the application using the configurations provided in the app.conf, this is for debugging as there is a stack trace dump,no/little optimizations.
    The current architecture binary is generated, dumped into the bin folder/

  • toolman get  git_url/local_path The command get packages from the local path or git url and stores them in a .cache folder in the compiler path, adds the file in app.conf.lock file.
    Provided without parameters it will loop through the dependencies in the app.conf file doing a refetch if version does not match in app.conf.lock file or is a new dependancy.

  • toolman build This command build static binaries for the specified target platforms,applying compiler optimizations.
    The command creates a dist folder, with different subfolders for the different architeres specified in the app.conf file.

  • toolman test This command runs test.

  • toolman analysis This command checks code for vulnrable packages, pedantic code(You followed good practises), dead code inference ,

Code editing

Editing Stratos Code.Check out.

  • Vs code Language Plugin.

  • Intellij Plugin (Comming soon)